Building Time — Build Your Game for Computer Platform

Daniele Quero, PhD
2 min readJul 27, 2021

Objective: Learn how to build games

Since the game is almost playable, it is time to learn how to build it.

We have to access the build settings (File -> Build Settings…).

Here you have many settings to manipulate, for example you can choose the platform: in this case select the Standalone option, the game will be built for computers and a standalone executable will be generated. You can also select the target platform (if you want to build for PC, Mac or Linux systems), the architecture and so on.

It is also very important the set of options you can find in Player Settings (left bottom corner button).

You can define game name, company name, version

But also many technical settings, such as resolution or windowed mode. At this moment, I suggest to select windowed, because we haven’t coded a qui functionality yet: in windowed you still have the x button to close the window, in fullscreen you will be stuck!

Once all is set, you can hit Build, you will be prompted with the choice of a path in which the game will be saved. After a couple of minutes it will be done and you can launch the game by opening the executable file in that folder.



Daniele Quero, PhD

A professional developer with passion for game developing and skill-growing. A former Nuclear Physics Researcher who changed his life to pursue his dreams