Game Features in Unity
Ancient Language Unintelligible Text Game Feature
Remaking game features in Unity
As a gamer, a software engineer, and a game dev-wannabe, every time I play video games I end up wondering if I could remake THAT game feature on my own.
I decided to give answers to those questions, in the form of small Unity projects.
Ancient Language Unintelligible Text
I recall, from playing the Survivor remake of the Tomb Rider series, a feature of Lara needing to get more proficient in several ancient languages in order to translate inscriptions of growing complexity, otherwise unintelligible.
Can I remake it?
The Feature
I’m going to reverse my usual approach and show you the final result. Then I’ll dive deep into the technical details I find more interesting.
I prepared a small Unity scene, with an input field, some buttons, a slider, and a dropdown menu. The user can choose between several languages and adjust the proficiency level — in 10% steps — to appreciate this feature.